WHat people say
“I keep bringing Ricardo to work with my teams for 10 years because he is one of the best facilitators. He doesn’t tell you what to do. He just brings the “Beauty” and the “Beast” out of the team, helping us to deal with both. The beauty is the Vision. The beast is the way to get there.”
“The keynote speech that we hired Ricardo to do clearly exceeded our expectations, both in content and in message adequacy and its impact on participants. Ricardo’s work clearly enriched our annual event and we are confident that in the future we will be working with Consulting House again.”
“Ricardo is an excellent professional, with a very objective and pragmatic way to approach and analyse the problems and needs. Ricardo gave me tools that I will use during all my career.”
“The work of Ricardo J. Vargas at the senior management level was fundamental in aligning our change projects, helping create a shared vision which translated into concrete actions that were visible throughout the organization.”
“When you move from “I don’t trust you” to “I don’t understand you”, you eliminate filters and have meaningful productive conversations in the team. Working with Ricardo facilitated that process.”
“One clever person can make fantastic innovations. Many people from different backgrounds and cultures can make much less. Unless you create the structure that allows you to listen to them and integrate their diversity. As we did with Ricardo.”
“The EMBRACO Future Vision Project was a key factor in the company being selected as one of the best companies to work for in the Exame survey of 2003. Ricardo Vargas’s work in designing and implementing this project generated a high level of awareness and capacity for managing change and leadership based on company values.”
“This is the type of support you need when everything happens at the same time: new business model, new organizational structure, new leadership team, and success can’t wait.”
“Ricardo’s work is not a ‘nice to have.’ It impacts the strategy and results of the company. He combines emotional inspiration, rational understanding, and effective tools to deliver transformation, all based on a deep understanding of human dynamics. Really unique.”
“From several occasions when Companhia de Seguros Tranquilidade was able to rely on his interventions, mainly in business meetings, Ricardo Vargas was always able to convey the right message, at the right time, in the right way. His unusual ability to communicate, knowing how to positively convey that for every constraint there is a way to overcome it, allows us to always reach far beyond the result that we expected.”
“At times of crisis, people make a difference, or rather, attitudes and behaviors make a difference. That is why we challenged Ricardo Vargas to, along with us and our business partners, share his vision and reflection on “Managing Under Uncertainty”. Ricardo Vargas’ insights brought an openness of mind, a vision and an applicability to any sector, business area or profession. This session was undoubtedly a success for the change it provoked.”
“By the end of the first minute of a keynote speech Ricardo Vargas has captured the audience, which is just amazing. But even more than his great communication skills, I value the way in which he transmits the concepts of change and behavioral change. His impact is so high that people later use his metaphors and concepts as if they were their own. This is the best validation for the transmission of a concept I have ever seen.”
“When I look at last decade, trying to remember the top 5 speeches, I put Ricardo Vargas at #1 with his “Change’s Paradoxes”. Brilliant and very useful. A “must repeat” and update in the actual business & political environment wherever. Very useful mainly for portuguese economical actors, but also for all political ones in general. Globally. Thanks Ricardo.”
“Ricardo is a notable speaker for many reasons, on the one hand he prepares the subjects very well and treats them with the required seriousness and depth to make it credible and intelligible, on the other hand, he gets close to his audiences, almost like he feels them, adapting the speech and the subject to the most appropriate tone and that actually causes more impact and emotion in the people who are always attentive following him. In our Strategic Management Program the main focus was to work on corporate culture and emphasize the virtues of multi-cultural teams and strategies to mitigate the difficulties in managing them, calling it “Business Culture and Prejudice”. We had testimonies of colleagues who told us that the speech had transformed them and that they would have avoided many difficulties if they had heard it before.”
“Development and knowledge sharing is a top priority for Generali. In current times it is not possible to dissociate both from the most current trends in the insurance market, such as change management, globalization, competitiveness, digital market, new technologies … In this context, Generali invited Ricardo Vargas to give a keynote speech to our employees about “The Paradoxes of Change”, which proved to be an excellent contribution to face change with an open mind, as an opportunity of improvement and to fulfill our intention to encourage and stimulate a continuous learning spirit in our employees. Ricardo proved to be an excellent speaker, understanding and clearly owning the goal we proposed, and managed to create a relevant impact on our employees with his charisma and empathy!”
“My company has partnered with Ricardo J. Vargas for several international Leadership Development programs. Ricardo is an expert in the field of top team development, leadership and strategic management. He is an experienced consultant and professional project manager focused on partnership to achieve business results. I find Ricardo as a trustworthy business partner. I recommend him as a reliable partner for any type of top team and leadership development projects.”
“Ricardo Vargas has rare knowledge and communication skills in the market that we highly value.”
“Being coached by Ricardo was transformational. I realized how everything we are is not definitive. Everything in us can be worked to progress.”
“Read one of his books some 10 years ago, and still have in mind a lot of it. Really a great book!! Congratulations!”
“Brilliant! Ricardo has scientific evidence proving the transformational impact for companies of his practical experience and organizational knowledge. The scientific evidence supporting his programs makes them highly credible, top class, and raises the expectations of all clients.”
“Ricardo has an uncanny ability to support personal development. Coaching sessions with him are a playground of exploration and decision, where models and tools create frameworks for action and possibilities of being. Not only I achieved my goals, as I know that some of the changes implemented will compound results over the years. I enjoyed the speed and focus on results of our work, but not less important was the ability to always have fun, even when we were scalping serious issues together.”